
Nch Wavepad Vst Plugins


VST Plugins VST or Virtual Studio Technology, is a standardized way of adding effects to digital audio editing programs like WavePad. To add a VST effect to WavePad choose VST on the Effects tab, which will open the VST plugins window. In this window browse to the directory on your computer where you have saved your VST plugins (note that the. MVX Synths – AddIt size 3 MB AddIt is an 8 oscillator additive synthsizer with 4 typical waveforms and a dual SVF multimode filter. Takes advantage of its modulation capabilities segmented in. Integrated VST plugin support gives professionals access to thousands of additional tools and effects Recommended Free VST Plugin Effects Includes free sound effect and music library Supports almost all audio and music file formats including mp3, wav, vox, gsm, wma, au, aif, flac, real audio, ogg, aac, m4a, mid, amr and many more.

  • Are VST Plugins available for Mac? No, the VST Plugin's are available only with the PC version and NOT for the Mac version. Download WavePad Audio Editor; Buy WavePad Audio Editor Masters Edition. Try WavePad Audio Editor Download WavePad Audio Editor free. Seeing and using the software first hand can answer most questions.
  • 2c-audio-aether-vst; 4front-truepianos-vst; 808-bloodline-vst; 808-studio-vst; 8dio-edm-trap-kontakt-library. Software Full Name: NCH WavePad Sound Editor.
  • WavePad is sound editing software for Mac OS X. This program lets you make and edit voice, music and other audio recordings. You can cut, copy and paste parts of recording and, if required, add effects like echo, amplification and noise reduction.

Empfohlene kostenlose VST-Plug-ins für WavePad

Im WavePad Audio-Editor ist die Unterstützung für VST-Plug-ins inte- griert, welche Ihnen Zugriff auf Tausende zusätzlicher Tools und Effekte geben. Unten stehend finden Sie eine Liste mit empfohlenen kostenlosen VST-Plug-ins, die Sie herunterladen und in WavePad verwenden können, um Ihre Audioprojekte weiter zu verbessern.

Für weitere Informationen zur Verwendung dieser VST-Effekte sehen Sie:
Wie man VST-Effekte herunterlädt und in WavePad verwendet.


Hall- und Echo-Effekte

Name: Ambience
Typ: Reverb Effect
Download-URL:http://magnus.smartelectronix.com/#Ambience ODER http://www.smartelectronix.com/~magnus/files/ambience-demo-win-vst-2003-10-25.zip
Unternehmen: Smart Electronix
Beschreibung: Ambience is a reverb that rivals the quality of the best commercial reverbs. You are free to decide yourself how much you want to pay for it, and when.

Name: PSP PianoVerb
Typ: Reverb Effect
Unternehmen: PSP Audio
Beschreibung: Reproduces a special kind of reverberation originally provided by piano strings. It generates reverberation using twelve string operators with adjustable damping and decay time. Each of them is tuned to a particular note starting from A(55Hz) to a G#(103.8Hz). The PSP PianoVerb string system can be transposed in the range of +-24 semitones, tuned within a range of +-100 cents and be detuned as well. Mediafire redirect after download mac.

Name: OldSkoolVerb
Typ: Reverb Effect
Unternehmen: Voxengo
Beschreibung: This is a reverb unit VST plugin suitable mainly for instruments and sounds which do not have sharp percussive elements to them, otherwise this reverb sounds too edgy. This reverb is great at creating additional ambience.

Name: TapeDelay
Typ: Echo/Delay Effect
Unternehmen: E-Phonic
Beschreibung: A very simple tape delay effect for creating that specific tape delay sound.


Name: Rough Rider
Typ: Compression Effect
Unternehmen: Audio Damage.
Beschreibung: Rough Rider is a modern compressor with a bit of 'vintage' style bite and a uniquely warm sound. Perfect for adding compression effects to your drum buss, it also sounds great with synth bass, clean guitar, and backing vocals. Definitely not an all-purpose compressor, Rough Rider is at its best when used to add pump to rhythmic tracks. Of course, you can use it however you'd like. The Compressor Police aren't gonna come to your house and give you a citation. Slap it on a track and crank some knobs.

Mastering- und Gate-Effekte

Name: Blue Cat's Triple EQ:
Typ: Equalizer Effect
Unternehmen: Blue Cat
Beschreibung: Blue Cat's Triple EQ is a 3 bands semi-parametric equalizer that can be controlled as a single filter with customizable shape. It includes a low shelf filter, a high shelf filter and a boost/cut peak filter. Its wide range of gain (+/-40 dB per band) and bandwidth (.01 to 5 Octave) makes it very versatile to create any filter shape. The three filters are linked together so that when you change the center frequency or the bandwidth, the parameters of the three filters are modified accordingly: you can control the entire equalizer characteristics with a single mouse click.

Weitere VST-Effekte

Name: iZotope Vinyl
Typ: vinyl effect
Unternehmen: iZotope
Beschreibung: The ultimate lo-fi weapon, iZotope Vinyl uses 64-bit processing and advanced filtering, modeling and resampling to create authentic 'vinyl' simulation, as if the audio were a record being played on a record player.

Name: KarmaFX Plugin Pack
Typ: Reverb, Filter, Delay
Unternehmen: KarmaFX
Beschreibung:Elastik soundbank free 2014 vst for you. KarmaFX Plugin Pack is a collection of quality effect plugins that are small, simple and easy to use. Plugins that simply get the job done without too much knob tweaking.

Wie man VST-Effekte herunterlädt und im WavePad Sound-Editor verwendet:

  1. Laden Sie einen der kostenlosen VST-Effekte von der obigen Liste herunter. Wenn Sie diesen Effekt installieren, müssen Sie auf Ihrem Computer einen Speicherort bestimmen. Normalerweise ist es eine gute Idee, einen Ordner namens „VST“ zu erstellen, um dort all Ihre VST-Effekte zu speichern.
  2. Sobald Sie Ihr VST-Plug-in heruntergeladen und in den gewünschten VST-Ordner gespeichert haben, können Sie WavePad öffnen und im oberen Effektmenü „VST-Plug-ins“ auswählen.
  3. Dadurch wird das Fenster VST-Plug-in geöffnet. Im ersten Feld sehen Sie den Speicherort vom heruntergeladenen VST-Effekt. Sie können zu diesem Speicherort navigieren, indem Sie die Suchen-Schaltfläche anklicken oder einfach direkt den Pfad eingeben. Dadurch wird das VST in die Liste „VST-Plug-ins“ geladen.
  4. Verwenden Sie das Drop-down-Menü mit den VST-Plug-ins, um Ihr VST-Plug-in auszuwählen und klicken Sie OK.
  5. Ihr VST-Plug-in wird in WavePad geladen. Sie können Ihre Wellenform weiter bearbeiten und all das tun, was Sie normalerweise in WavePad tun, außer dass alles was Sie nun hören, vom neuen VST-Effekt verarbeitet wird.Um den Effekt zu speichern, müssen Sie die Schaltfläche „Anwenden“ im Effekt drücken. Dies schließt den Effekt und speichert das Audio mit dem neu hinzugefügten Effekt.

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Using VirtualDub Plugins in VideoPad Video Editor

VideoPad video editor has integrated VirtualDub plugin support, giving you access to additional tools and effects that are available from third party sources. This page includes instructions for installing VirtualDub plugins into VideoPad, as well as a resources list for locating plugins to download.

How to add and use plugins in VideoPad video editor:

  1. Download the VirtualDub effects you want to add to VideoPad. When you download these effects, you will need to specify a location on your computer to save them. We recommend creating a folder called 'VirtualDub' to save all your VirtualDub effects in.
  2. Once you have downloaded and saved your VirtualDub plugins, open a video project in VideoPad. Click the Effects button on the Home tab, and from the effects drop-menu at the top, select Load/Unload VirtualDub Plugins. This will open the Video Effect Plugins window.
  3. Click the Load File(s) button and browse to your saved VirtualDub effects. Select the effects (look for .vdf format) and click Open. Click OK to close the Video Effects Plugins window.
  4. Your new plugins will be added to the drop-menu in the Video Effects window. Select the effect to open it and click the Configure Plugin button view/adjust its parameters. You can edit the effect any time after it has been applied by clicking this same button from the Applied Effects list for the selected clip.
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VirtualDub Resources List

Here is a list of sites featuring downloads for VirtualDub plugins, and links to a sampling of filters from those sites.

MSU Graphics & Media Lab (Video Group)

  • Filter Name: VirtualDub MSU Cartoonizer Filter
    Download URL:video-msu-cartoonizer-virtualdub-plugin.soft112.com
    Description: This filter is designed for painting, drawing and animated cartoon rendering. The MSU Cartoonizer filter has many parameters, which produces very interesting results. This is the first filter developed by Graphics & Media Lab referring to the non-photorealistic rendering area.
  • Filter Name: VirtualDub MSU OldCinema Filter 2.0
    Download URL:msu-old-cinema-2-0-virtualdub-plugin.soft112.com
    Description: This filter is intended to achieve an 'old cinema' effect, similar to the Old Film effect already available in VideoPad, but this plugin gives you more control over the parameters. You can vary color, the correction algorithm, and add various artifacts so the video looks like a 'chronicle.' The filter includes several color correction types, vertical stripes, small and large noise, and an emulsion exfoliation effect.
  • Filter Name: VirtualDub MSU Smart Sharpen Filter
    Download URL:msu-smart-sharpen-for-virtualdub-video-plugin.soft112.com
    Description: This filter allows you to enhance image sharpness with minimum noise amplification. Keep in mind that in order to achieve the best video quality, you need to save video as a file. The quality of the preview video in VideoPad may not be enough to view the finished quality of the applied filter.

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Nch Wavepad Vst Plugins Plugin

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